We are an internationally leading provider of fire protection systems with high-pressure water mist.
For planners, manufacturers, and operators of buildings as well as machinery and equipment, we provide high-quality fire protection systems and turnkey solutions. An individual approach to the customer’s application allows us to offer expert advice and cost-optimized fire suppression systems.
In addition, we maintain close contact with partners from research, fire brigades, and fire protection institutes.
Fire fighting is responsibility – with this, we aim to actively contribute to the safety of people, property, and productivity. To best fulfill this responsibility, we continuously encourage and promote the innovative ideas and expertise of our motivated team. Moreover, the close collaboration between R&D, sales, project management, and production at a single location ensures the flexibility and customer proximity necessary to best meet your individual requirements.
"Fire protection is responsibility – and we face this every day. With innovative ideas, the expertise of our motivated team, and the close collaboration of all departments at one location, we create flexible and customer-oriented solutions. The continued development of resource-saving high-pressure water mist technology and the expansion of our global partner network are key pillars of our strategy. Challenge us – my team and I are always here to support you responsibly."
Josef Hainzl
As part of the HAINZL Group, we benefit from a strong background and extensive expertise: with us, you get everything from a single source – from development, engineering, and project management to mechanical manufacturing, steel construction, painting, assembly, and quality testing.
Additionally, we leverage the synergies of our locations and companies within the group, sharing our know-how to ensure the highest quality and efficiency.
Linz – Industriezeile / Oberösterreich
Am Firmensitz der Unternehmensgruppe befinden sich die Vertriebs-
und Produktionsbereiche für die Business Units Systemtechnik, Motion & Drives
und Embedded Systems sowie die Produktion für unsere
Unternehmenstöchter AQUASYS und KAPPA.
Linz – Flachenauergutstraße / Oberösterreich
In enger räumlicher Nähe zum Firmensitz ist die
Business Unit Gebäudetechnik angesiedelt.
München – Sonnenstraße / Deutschland
Die Münchner Niederlassung betreut die Kunden in
Deutschland bei Montage, Service, Wartung, Inbetriebnahme.
Belgrad – Serbien
HAINZL eröffnet in Belgrad die Firma HAINZL Motion & Drives d.o.o.;
ein Joint Venture mit dem Danfoss-Vertreter Firma Vladex,
bei dem HAINZL über die Mehrheitsanteile verfügt.
Our company history is far from over!
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Our company history is far from over!
If you would like to stay informed, please subscribe to our LinkedIn account here.
Our years of experience and expertise enable us to work closely with our customers and develop customized solutions. This fosters trust and allows us to meet individual requirements.
With dynamic product development and rapid adaptation to new standards, we set innovative benchmarks and respond flexibly to specific customer requests – always with a focus on the future.
We make our decisions by sustainably coordinating the needs of our customers, our employees, our partners and our environment.
As an owner-managed group of companies, we have been representing this basic attitude in a self-determined manner for over half a century and for the future.
Trust, openness, cooperation and appreciation guide our daily actions, shape our culture and give us orientation in all decisions.
With these values, we create a strong, trusting basis for sustainable success and common goals.
We offer products and solutions that inspire us, we stand by our agreements and commitments, act in an environmentally conscious manner and stick together.
As an internationally active company, we are confronted with new challenges every day in a constantly changing world. In order to meet these challenges in a responsible manner while maintaining the high standards we set for ourselves and our products, we have developed a code of conduct that defines certain behaviors. Our Code of Conduct is an integral part of our corporate culture and is lived by each individual as a role model.
Unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir durch nachhaltiges Abstimmen der Bedürfnisse unserer Kund:innen, unserer Mitarbeiter:innen, unserer Partner:innen und unserer Umwelt.
Diese Grundhaltung vertreten wir selbstbestimmt als eigentümergeführte Unternehmensgruppe seit über einem halben Jahrhundert und für die Zukunft.
Wir bieten Produkte und Lösungen, die uns begeistern, wir stehen zu unseren Vereinbarungen und Zusagen, handeln umweltbewusst und halten zusammen.
Als international tätiges Unternehmen sehen wir uns in einer sich stetig verändernden Welt tagtäglich mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Um diese unter Wahrung des hohen Anspruchs an uns und unsere Produkte in verantwortungsvoller Weise entgegentreten zu können, haben wir einen Verhaltenskodex entwickelt, welcher gewisse Verhaltensweisen festlegt. Durch gelebtes Vorbild jedes Einzelnen ist unser Code of Conduct ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur.